Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kite Flying with Local People

Sunday, July 5, 3 - 6 p.m.

Kapisanan Phillipine Centre for Arts and Culture, 167 Augusta Ave., Kensington Market. (West of Spadina, north of Dundas)
Back by popular demand!
Asian Arts Freedom School is collaborating to bring Niwa's kite workshop back to Kensington Market for another Sunday!

Yoshinori Niwa - Kite Flying with Local People

Come with your used clothing or materials such as shopping bags, pizza and cereal box packages. Niwa will show you how to make and customize a kite, and we will fly them together at the car-free streets of Kensington Market!

This event is one step toward the goal of making at least 300 kites during Niwa’s residency in Canada. Yoshinori’s “Kite Flying with Local People have been performed and shown around the world since 2006. Your kite made with Niwa will be exhibited and remembered internationally as part of this ongoing performance project.

After this presentation, the kites will be installed in the gallery together with unused materials and kite making workstations and further juxtaposed with drawings by Niwa as a chronicle of his experience. Later visitors to the exhibition will be welcome to sign out a kite to borrow and fly while visiting Gendai Gallery and the JCCC.

All participants of this workshop are encouraged to come see and fly their own custom-made kites as part of the exhibition at the Gendai Gallery on the opening date of July 11, when the biggest Japanese festival event in Toronto, Natsu-Matsuri, will also be happening in the JCCC.

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