I love learning and sharing, and find that writing provides the opportunity to do both. After delving in to explore the causes of tough issues and seeking out solutions, I find myself challenged to write about them. Approaching the issues from various points of view helps me gain perspective. It is my desire to write stories that reveal the difficult places people find themselves in, discover how they got there and share their hopeful futures.
Since I find it difficult to write in isolation, I enjoy writing in community. I suppose that is why Write-Up, my part-time business, is about creating communities in which writers can flourish.
When I am not teaching or writing, I am raising up inter-generational teams who hang out with at risk children, teens and their families. Together we enjoy meals, create art, play sports, explore stories and share life.
I learned of Diaspora Dialogues’ mentorship program through the e-announcements of the Writers’ Community of Durham Region and submitted a short story that explores how a young teen finds herself pregnant and living on the street in Toronto. I was surprised to discover that I had been accepted and paired with mentor, Karen Connolly, a fiction writer who coached me through several revisions. I appreciate the time she spent giving my story a careful reading and providing thoughtful feedback. I trust that what I have learned in the process will help me poignantly share stories that help us gain an understanding into who we are and who we can be.
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